FoodWaste EXplorer
Explore data about food waste streams
collected within the EU-founded project REFRESH
Filters can be applied to retrieve selected subsets of data, such as side stream (e.g. peel, stalks, seeds) and component groups (e.g. vitamins, minerals), and search results can be exported for further offline analysis. Currently FoodWasteEXplorer contains ca. 27069 data points, however, the work is ongoing, and more data will be added with time.
Food, Side stream, Component group, Component..

Areas of Interest



Foods >

Currently, there are 120 foods in the FoodWasteEXplorer.

Side streams >

For each food we provide data about Side streams, such as pomace, peel, etc.

Components >

Data about food Side streams include compositional values for 1507 components.